Car Maintenance

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To feel safe and secure on the road, two prerequisites are needed: an experienced driver and a properly maintained vehicle. The technical condition of the car determines not only our safety but also that of other road users. Many road incidents are caused by faulty vehicles, which is a preventable risk if we take good care of our car promptly.

Why Regular Car Maintenance is Necessary?

Besides road safety, regular maintenance ensures:

How is Technical Maintenance Performed?

Car maintenance is best done at an auto service center equipped with the necessary tools and qualified specialists. However, this does not exempt the driver from some vehicle-related activities required by the manufacturer and described in the user manual.

Which Systems Require Regular Maintenance?

All systems in the car require maintenance and repair at some point, but more frequent maintenance is required for:

air filter battery brake system alternator and coil carburetor and distributor spark plugs and glow plugs engine oil exhaust system fuel system front axle, rear axle, and suspension transmission tires

How to Tell if Technical Maintenance is Needed?

First of all, you should be familiar with the manufacturer's user manual, where the necessary maintenance tasks and their schedule are specified. Additionally, you should watch out for the following signs:

Appearance of Strange Odors in the Car Cabin Could Indicate:

Vehicle Movement Accompanied by Strange Unusual Noises:

What to Follow When Maintaining the Car?

When performing technical maintenance and repair on the car, it's not superfluous to consider a few simple recommendations: